first thing

The first thing I do in the morning, on any given morning, ordinarily, is turn on my iPhone and read a couple of blog posts.


Perhaps that fact that I don’t drink coffee is as good a reason as any, I don’t know. It’s just what I do.

This morning one post caught my eye… One post made me think enough to switch from the web browser to the camera on my phone and press the button.

Jess over at Oh, The Joys participated in a theme of a sorts and put up a picture of her self first thing in the morning…

for some reason I thought that was a really good idea.

It’s dark, it’s grainy… I took it before I even sat up or got out of bed, while still nestled into my pillows… but here it is Cami in the morning:

I’m not zany or whimsical when I wake up.

I’m just a little bewildered.

If you’d like to participate in this theme the rules seem pretty simple, take a picture of yourself first thing in the morning, put it up and post a link to the people who’ve done it before you. Don’t forget to add your name at the end. Oh and just for my own curiosity… if you post one won’t you please leave me a note to let me know?

Breed ‘Em & Weep
Missus Mamalogues
Mrs. Flinger
Ms. MotherBumper

13 thoughts on “first thing

  1. missburrows says:

    Well, I would do this too if I hadn’t been up late because my husband insisted we listen to your podcasts. “She sounds so sexy”, he says “yes, yes..I know. I told you that.” I say.

  2. mielikki says:

    hmmmmreally don’t know if I want to show myself all puffy and tired. You look bewildered, yes. I? I would look puffy. Just, Puffy.Yech.

  3. holly says:

    i am sure that the world is not ready for a shot of me. you make it look so easy. kind of like “okay, that’s it then, let’s get on with it” whereas i’m more of a “don’t touch me i will kill you” for the first 10 minutes. my son is turning out the same way, except that he shouts for someone to come in and “not touch him” out of the cot. if only i could trust that boy in a bed, that cot and the morning shouting would be history. and, perhaps, the wanting to kill people. perhaps.

  4. CamiKaos says:

    dan: I’ve seen a pic of you… unless you LIE through the clever use of photos…holly: you’re very hard on yourself… how about that can be someone else’s job?mel, flutter: that’s love I’m feelin…Sybil: Hmm what biotch.mie: I am a puffy morning person too… that room was pretty dark.missb: oh the up to late listening to my sexy voice excuse gets me every time…denise: I was so glad that you did.tim: it’s not there??? I can see it. You can’t see it. FUCKITY.Lisa: thank you.

  5. stephanie says:

    You not only look decent first thing in the morning, but far younger; I don’t think I appreciate that. I might get brave. I’ll let you know.

  6. Jo Beaufoix says:

    Hee hee, you do look a little bewildered. I look pale in the mornings. Very, very pale, and with mad hair. It’s not pretty.

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